Saturday 21 January 2017

Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack

Cyber attack may seem remote. It may even seem unreal until one become a direct target. It is sad, and it is sad because those who inflict this pain seem to know their victims. And they do not only know them, they also understand them. Usually it is somebody they know very well.

Many reasons may account for cyber bullying but the chief reason is always the desire to control. When people have physically failed to control their victims, cyber attack become a potent tool. And such bullies think they have some sort of ownership over their victims. They think they can bully them into submission, they think they can bully them to conform to their will, and they think they can bully them to accomplish their own goal.

Whatever, the motive be for attacking a person, it is unjustified. Every person is an individual, every person has got a will, and every person has got a right. A right to be happy, and a right to be themselves. A right to live their life in a way that is consist with their own belief, a right to choose how to live without interference or fear, and a right to choose their associates. Sadly, bullies over-look this fact.

Cyber bullies seem to leave trails, whether they use impersonation or not, there are always some kind of consistency. The sophisticated ones hardly do it themselves, and for some, a proxy will do. The question is why will someone risk their life for this kind of job? Is it because they are being harassed too, or is it because they have something to gain? Only history will judge and only time will tell.

Life is not about control, and love is not about control, no matter how you love a person, control, intermediation and fear is never the answer. Leave people to make their own choice because certain things must be earned and not forced upon.

It is never an act of bravery nor boldness to resort to cyber bullying; honest, decent and honourable people never hide behind curtains, for real people are always real, and victims resent those behind the curtain, pulling the strings.

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