Sunday 26 June 2016

Fracturing And Design

Looking at the Creative side of Design

Energy extraction process has been a constant source of contention among Stake holders for a while. And with the forecast of decline in North Sea oil and gas production amid global price fluctuation, we look at how the process of fracturing affects design.

For anyone not acquainted with this terminology, fracturing is the process of using hydraulic power to extract gas from the sea, a simple and humble definition. Countries blessed with shale gas resources are reported to have made gigantic progress. Among such advances are improved gross domestic products: furthering development, providing investment opportunities and in some cases, transforming ‘ghost towns’ into marvels.

Fracturing then seems not only to satisfy basic needs but also provide a level of actualisation in areas of creative patterns, decorative shapes, monumental architecture, and many more than we care to mention here.
It's creative impact are appealing, weighty, and undeniable. Weighed however, against disruption in human design, we see a different effect or picture.

Earthquakes and contaminations are among some of the claimed disruptions. Contaminated waters, infectious diseases and defaced architectural buildings are all ruins of basic human needs, sense of fulfilment and design. What then is it?

Perhaps as a discovery, fracturing is one of the best and also, one of the worst in design.

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